Oct 7, 1994
A.J. Palumbo Center (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Tour Rarity Rank: 130th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Seek Up
35 of 67
112 of 544
2. Tripping Billies
76 of 120
239 of 1070
3. Rhyme & Reason
44 of 86
91 of 541
4. Dancing Nancies
56 of 104
200 of 1013
5. Warehouse
46 of 85
189 of 1059
6. Jimi Thing
54 of 99
158 of 1214
7. Satellite
72 of 105
201 of 1022
8. All Along the WatchtowerCover
33 of 54
865 of 3121