Jun 16, 2018
BB&T Pavilion (Camden, New Jersey)
Tour Rarity Rank: 27th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Again and Again
2 of 25
29 of 90
2. One Sweet World
6 of 18
666 of 730
3. Seven
5 of 9
249 of 285
4. Do You Remember
10 of 22
13 of 116
5. Crush
8 of 13
630 of 757
6. Samurai Cop (Oh Joy Begin)
15 of 39
82 of 183
7. Don't Drink the Water
8 of 25
731 of 899
8. #41
Sojourn of Arjuna interpolation
9 of 23
735 of 865
9. Come Tomorrow
6 of 18
6 of 54
10. Lie in Our Graves
2 of 6
784 of 869
11. Steady as We Go
5 of 6
42 of 51
12. Can't Stop
8 of 27
84 of 192
13. Lying in the Hands of God
Bourbons & Lacs and American Baby Intro interpolations
10 of 17
134 of 209
14. Idea of You
5 of 10
113 of 141
15. Stand Up (For It)
Shotgun (Jr. Walker) interpolation
8 of 10
66 of 87
16. Come On Come On
2 of 22
2 of 56
17. Why I Am
5 of 17
239 of 353
18. The Best of What's Around
5 of 7
405 of 447
19. Ants Marching
Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground) interpolation
9 of 28
1240 of 1420
20. Digging a DitchEncoreTour Debut
tour debut, first time played since 8/30/2016
1 of 9
155 of 186
21. Pantala Naga PampaEncore
8 of 18
515 of 648
22. RapunzelEncore
8 of 18
487 of 612