Aug 22, 2008
Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre (Chula Vista, California)
Tour Rarity Rank: 26th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Bartender
8 of 12
263 of 484
2. Old Dirt Hill (Bring That Beat Back)
22 of 25
79 of 175
3. Eh Hee
26 of 30
56 of 129
4. Water Into Wine
14 of 18
56 of 92
5. SledgehammerCover
23 of 26
23 of 157
6. So Damn LuckyCover
36 of 43
67 of 325
7. Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd
7 of 8
30 of 81
8. Crush
15 of 19
364 of 757
9. Sugar Will
4 of 6
54 of 89
10. Everyday
26 of 27
231 of 431
11. Ants Marching
32 of 39
948 of 1420
12. The Dreaming Tree
15 of 17
63 of 115
13. Burning Down the HouseCover
10 of 16
13 of 79
14. Lover Lay Down
4 of 6
230 of 320
15. Cornbread
Danny Barnes on banjo
41 of 51
91 of 362
16. Two Step
25 of 33
760 of 1081
17. Louisiana BayouEncore
24 of 29
166 of 341
18. Don't Drink the WaterEncore
21 of 28
427 of 899