Sep 10, 2010
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion (The Woodlands, Texas)
Tour Rarity Rank: 30th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Squirm
15 of 17
60 of 180
2. Proudest Monkey
13 of 15
200 of 298
3. Satellite
14 of 16
744 of 1022
4. Shake Me Like a Monkey
44 of 48
119 of 283
5. Lying in the Hands of God
29 of 31
86 of 209
6. I Did It
2 of 4
116 of 232
7. You & Me
36 of 40
105 of 415
8. Dancing Nancies
18 of 20
769 of 1013
9. Warehouse
13 of 14
720 of 1059
10. Digging a Ditch
10 of 11
101 of 186
11. Seven
37 of 40
107 of 285
12. Write a Song
10 of 12
10 of 41
13. Grey Street
16 of 17
376 of 768
14. Crush
14 of 16
424 of 757
15. Baby Blue
11 of 13
36 of 55
16. Don't Drink the Water
26 of 27
506 of 899
17. Two Step
23 of 25
842 of 1081
18. BlackjackEncore
10 of 12
10 of 28
19. All Along the WatchtowerEncoreCover
20 of 21
2580 of 3121