Dec 16, 1994
Rockefeller's (Houston, Texas)
Tour Rarity Rank: 13th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. One Sweet World
62 of 64
210 of 730
2. Rhyme & Reason
81 of 86
129 of 541
3. The Best of What's Around
70 of 75
146 of 447
4. Tripping Billies
114 of 120
278 of 1070
5. Proudest MonkeyTour DebutSong Debut
Full debut
1 of 4
1 of 298
6. Satellite
100 of 105
230 of 1022
7. Lie in Our Graves
34 of 37
171 of 869
8. Jimi Thing
93 of 99
198 of 1214
9. What Would You Say
65 of 67
148 of 778
10. Cry Freedom
23 of 23
50 of 177
11. Dancing Nancies
98 of 104
243 of 1013
12. Warehouse
81 of 85
225 of 1059
13. Recently
85 of 90
223 of 603
14. Water Into Wine
3 of 3
3 of 92
15. Recently (reprise)
2 of 2
2 of 6
16. #36
65 of 71
78 of 179
17. Ants Marching
111 of 117
266 of 1420