Aug 15, 1998
South Park Meadows (Austin, Texas)
Tour Rarity Rank: 22nd

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Warehouse
11 of 18
419 of 1059
2. Rhyme & Reason
5 of 6
277 of 541
3. Stay (Wasting Time)
40 of 50
40 of 393
4. LeRoi solo
27 of 33
27 of 34
5. Pantala Naga Pampa
54 of 64
54 of 648
6. Rapunzel
54 of 64
55 of 612
7. Crash Into Me
37 of 44
225 of 825
8. Jimi Thing
30 of 37
473 of 1214
9. Don't Drink the Water
63 of 73
63 of 899
10. The Stone
28 of 31
28 of 368
11. One Sweet World
13 of 15
293 of 730
12. Lie in Our Graves
32 of 36
401 of 869
13. The Last Stop
38 of 42
38 of 133
14. Two Step
48 of 54
412 of 1081
15. Anyone Seen the Bridge
35 of 42
111 of 596
16. Too Much
49 of 56
238 of 879
17. All Along the WatchtowerCover
35 of 41
1351 of 3121
18. Pay for What You GetEncore
3 of 3
157 of 213
19. Ants MarchingEncore
12 of 19
603 of 1420