Aug 19, 2008
Staples Center (Los Angeles, California)
Tour Rarity Rank: 28th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Bartender
7 of 12
262 of 484
2. Proudest Monkey
12 of 15
165 of 298
3. Satellite
12 of 19
695 of 1022
4. So Damn LuckyCover
35 of 43
66 of 325
5. Eh Hee
25 of 30
55 of 129
6. Water Into Wine
13 of 18
55 of 92
7. Burning Down the HouseCover
9 of 16
12 of 79
8. Dancing Nancies
13 of 17
709 of 1013
9. Loving Wings
2 of 4
69 of 88
10. The MakerCover
5 of 7
110 of 172
11. SledgehammerCover
21 of 26
21 of 157
12. Grey Street
19 of 23
312 of 768
13. The Dreaming Tree
14 of 17
62 of 115
14. Crash Into Me
22 of 28
563 of 825
15. Everyday
25 of 27
230 of 431
16. Anyone Seen the Bridge
30 of 43
379 of 596
17. Ants Marching
31 of 39
947 of 1420
18. SisterEncore
16 of 19
90 of 223
19. CornbreadEncore
40 of 51
90 of 362
20. Two StepEncore
24 of 33
759 of 1081