Mar 5, 1994
The University of the South (Sewanee, Tennessee)
Tour Rarity Rank: 4th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. One Sweet World
13 of 64
154 of 730
2. Recently
7 of 90
137 of 603
3. Tripping Billies
20 of 120
171 of 1070
4. Satellite
19 of 105
138 of 1022
5. Lie in Our Graves
12 of 37
145 of 869
6. What Would You Say
18 of 67
99 of 778
7. Angel From MontgomeryCover
Boyd on lead vocals
3 of 8
52 of 140
8. Pay for What You Get
5 of 35
82 of 213
9. True ReflectionsCover
Boyd on lead vocals
14 of 42
142 of 285
10. Minarets
19 of 66
125 of 457
11. Typical Situation
18 of 53
111 of 505
12. Granny
8 of 20
129 of 593
13. Ants Marching
19 of 117
165 of 1420
14. HalloweenEncore
6 of 25
77 of 216