Apr 22, 1992
Woodard Campus Center (Fredericksburg, Virginia)
Tour Rarity Rank: 51st

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Drive In, Drive OutTour DebutSong Debut
Song debut; Instrumental version
1 of 11
1 of 356
2. Recently
"Norwegian Wood" and "Some Do/Some Don't" interpolations
6 of 34
11 of 603
3. Ants Marching
6 of 35
6 of 1420
4. Warehouse
4 of 38
8 of 1059
5. True ReflectionsCover
Boyd on lead vocals
4 of 40
7 of 285
6. Lover Lay Down
5 of 33
6 of 320
7. So Much to Say
4 of 37
5 of 794
8. Two Step
4 of 43
4 of 1081
9. Tripping Billies
4 of 43
8 of 1070