Dec 7, 1998
Worcester's Centrum Centre (Worcester, Massachusetts)
Tour Rarity Rank: 8th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. RecentlyGuest: Béla Fleck
4 of 5
431 of 603
2. Crash Into MeGuest: Béla Fleck
19 of 26
251 of 825
3. Don't Drink the WaterGuest: Béla Fleck
28 of 37
101 of 899
4. Linus and LucyTour DebutSong DebutCover
1 of 2
1 of 15
5. Heartbeat Intro
24 of 32
31 of 89
6. Pantala Naga Pampa
28 of 36
92 of 648
7. Rapunzel
28 of 36
93 of 612
8. Too Much
22 of 31
267 of 879
9. Dancing Nancies
5 of 5
510 of 1013
10. Warehouse
13 of 15
439 of 1059
11. Crush
23 of 29
72 of 757
12. Rhyme & Reason
13 of 18
291 of 541
13. Pig
3 of 4
17 of 233
14. Two StepGuest: Béla Fleck
22 of 28
440 of 1081
15. Lie in Our GravesGuest: Béla Fleck
15 of 19
420 of 869
16. Christmas SongEncore
3 of 9
109 of 190
17. HalloweenEncore
3 of 4
111 of 216